Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Cpanel > How do I create a mailinglist in cPanel?
Mailing lists allow you to use a single address to send mail to multiple email addresses.
You can create a mailinglist through logging into your New Yournic control panel
Important Information:
cPanel includes an interface that allows you to define a name, password, and domain name for the mailing list.
Note: Due to the way Mailman handles list ownership, mailing lists cannot be created via the command line. Instead, use this interface to create and manage mailing lists.
To add a new mailing list please perform the following steps:
1- Enter the mailing “List Name” in the List Name text box.
2- Select a domain from the Domain menu – (For Ultimate/Reseller Customer’s)
3- Enter a secure password in the “Password” text box.
4- Confirm the password in the “Password (Again)” text box.
. If you wish for cPanel to generate a secure password for you, click Password Generator.
5- Select whether the mailing list will be “Private” or “Puplic”.private — This mailing list has private archives, the administrator must approve subscriptions, and the mailing list is not advertised on the Mailman page.
public — This mailing list has public archives, the subscriptions are open, or the list is advertised on the Mailman page.6- Click “Add Mailing List” to create the new mailing list.
You have now created the mailinglist account on your domain successfully.
Useful Info:
Once you have successfully created a mailing list with cPanel, Click “Go Back” button where you can use the functions below to modify, delete, or change the password.
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