Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Cpanel > How can I setup a new email address in cPanel?
You can setup your new email address by logging into your Yournic control panel.
To add a new email address please perform the following steps:
1- Enter the email address that you wish to create in the “Email” text box.
2- Enter the password in the “Password” text box.
3- Re-enter the password in the “Password (again)” text box.. You can click the Password Generator link to generate a strong password or can enter the selected password (combination of digits/letters/special charactors)
Use a secure password. A secure password is not a dictionary word and contains a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.4- Enter the quota in the Mailbox Quota text box.
. The quota defines how much hard drive space the account will be allowed to use.5- Click “Create Account” button.
You have now created the email account on your domain successfully.
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