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How to fix the Iphone IMAP error “unable to move message to trash?

If you get the error message below when trying to delete an email on the Iphone, we have a solution for this:

Please follow these steps to resolve the issue:


  1. Please click on the icon “settings”
  2. Please scroll down and click on the option “Mail, Contacts and Calendars”
  3. Tab on the email account that is having this issue.
  4. Please click on the option “Advance”
  5. On Advance, please tab on the option “Imap Path Prefix”
  6. Please entre in capitals the word “INBOX”,
  7. Click on accounts and then on Done to save the changes.


Congratulations, you can now delete emails off your Iphone. If the problem persists, please contact our support team from your registered email address.

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