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How to manage an email account via the Plesk 11 Control panel?

To manage your email account using Plesk 11, you will need to go the “Mail” tab located on the top of the Plesk 11 control panel. Once you are here, please select the email account that you wish to make changes to by clicking the link with the address on it e.g admin@yourdomain.com.


General Tab:


The “General” tab can be used to change the password of your email account, or you can assign a limit to each email account for its disk space quota.




Forwarding can be used to forward all mail sent to a specific email address to another recipient. One of the advantages of Plesk 11 is that you can forward the email to more than one email address if required. This can be done by separating the addresses by a space, comma, semi colon or putting it on a new line.


Email Aliases:


An email alias is a way to have 1 mailbox that can receive email from more than one address. For example you can receive all emails sent towards sales@, finance@ and enquiries@ in one place instead of having to check 3 different mailboxes.

To add an email alias to an account you will need to go to the tab ‘Email aliases’ and simply add or remove aliases from here.


Auto Responder:


An autoresponder is a message that will be sent to anyone who emails you under certain criteria, such as time of the day or message in the subject line.

You can set up messages by going to the ‘Auto-Reply’ tab and then by ticking the top box, which will enable you to enter in all the details you require to set up the rules for the auto response. You can confirm everything by pressing ‘OK’ when you’re finished.


Spam Filters:


The Spam Filters tab helps you to try and limit the amount of spam coming into your mailbox. Click on the last tab called ‘Spam Filter’ and then you can tick the top box to enable spam filtering and set up custom filters depending on your needs.

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