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How to create Protected Directory?

To create a protected directory, please follow the below instructions:


1. If you are subscribed to several hosting packages and have access to several webspaces associated with your account, in the Subscription menu at the top of the screen, select the required webspace.
2. Go to the Websites & Domains tab > Password-protected Directories (in the Advanced Operations group).
3. Click Add Protected Directory.
4. In the Directory name box, specify the path to the directory that you want to protect with a password.
This can be any directory existing in the site, for example: /private. If the directory that you would like to protect has not yet been created, specify the path and the directory name – the Panel will create it for you.
5. If you are using a Linux-based account, you can also protect your CGI scripts stored in the cgi-bin directory. To do this, leave ‘/’ in the
Directory name box and select the cgi-bin checkbox.
6. In the Title of the protected area box, type a resource description or a
welcoming message that your users will see when they visit the
protected area.
7. Click OK. The directory you specified will be protected.
8. To add authorized users, please click Add New User.
9. Specify the username and password that will be used for accessing the protected area. The password should be from 5 to 14 symbols in length. Click OK.

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